Watching the boys play can be quite a show - sometimes a comedy, other times a horror flick! Tyler loves to play with ANYTHING Parker has in his hands - must be better than what he's playing with, right? He is already notorious for stealing brother's toys, crawling over him to get to his ever-so-important destination, pulling his long, beautiful curls, or even walking ON him. Yes, there is no more interesting sight than coming into a room and seeing Tyler standing/walking on top of Parker! What the...? Now Parker is not completely angelic in this scenario, he too has his moments of thievery and bully, but more often than not I can rely on Tyler to come through in this area.
So...if being near each other causes such grief, wouldn't they stay away? ARE YOU KIDDING? John and I are thrilled and amazed at the way the boys stick together. Even through all of the battles, they choose each other. The other day I called for Parker to come give me a hug, on the other side of him was Tyler, luring him in with cars and laughter. Who did Parker go to - yep, you guessed it, he went to his brother! Now mommy was shocked, but understood. Parker didn't need a kiss and hug at that moment, he needed his play buddy, his brother...and I LOVE that!

Brothers just hanging out!

T/P: "What...we're playing nicely, don't worry!"

Could they sit any closer?

Mischief...I think this togetherness will have its challenges, won't it?
1 comment:
Welcome to the wonderful world of twins. Even as the parents this is a very exclusive club, admittance can be difficult. Emily and Jennifer are 19 and the best friends ever! Their worldly plans always include the other twin and a decision cannot be made without the others input. Beware the "twin committee" they drive a hard bargain :)
kathy stayner
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