We have a "stench" problem in our house that leads directly back to two
poopy, drooling boys. Our carpets are hiding months of formula spills, baby feeding attempts and lots of reflux traumas. We try to clean up after each "activity" but a
burb cloth and hot soapy water can only do
sooo much! Well, we finally moved EVERYTHING out of the living room and had the carpet cleaned. Smell the fresh scent...whiff! What? Is that Tyler puking all over the newly cleaned carpet? Catch him! Catch him...nope, missed the burp cloth. Our newly cleaned carpet is once again a breeding ground for our bacteria friends - I can smell them already!
So John is trying to keep up with the constant activity and after Tyler's nightly puke-fest projected beyond our vomit-catching blanket, he pulled out the "big guns". Our made-for-home-use carpet cleaner came to the rescue! We thought the boys would freak out over the noise - and they did, at first. But in no time both boys were in the living room with daddy trying to touch the big machine. "Oh...big carpet cleaner!"
While John was cleaning out the machine, I snapped a picture of the boys attacking it - they were so intrigued. I wonder if this means they're going to be 'bigger is better' guys? Rut
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