Overall, the surgery went well and the boys are healthy and happy. In fact, since the surgery, Parker has eaten OVER his minimum orally and continues to eat crackers and purees! He DID NOT lose his oral ability and we have yet to gavage his feeds! Tyler has increased his minimums as well but still needs day and night gavages - but we see so much promise with him. I think the NG-tube was negative for him so with its removal, we may just see improved eating! We've concluded that the surgeries were positive and necessary choices. Whew...here's one for mommy and daddy!
Enjoy the surgery "story" below!
happy birthday heather!!! :) you certainly are one of the best mommies i have ever met! hope you had a great day today NOT in the hospital! :) we sent our love your way!
Thank you for the photos. Good to hear it went well.
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