Uncle Mikey and Auntie
Velear came by on their way to the 4
th of July festivities and introduced the boys to their cousin Olivia. The boys have never been around a dog before, so we weren't sure what the reaction would be...but we could GUESS! And we were right...

Tyler looks, is interested and thinks she's pretty neat!

Parker is totally freaked out...

...and we're done with the dog! Actually, he ended up warming up to cousin Olivia and even pet her after a while. This was not caught on film, but Mikey and
Velear CLAIM it's true...

Okay, maybe it's true!
Parker: "If I stick my foot out first, maybe it'll divert her attention and my face will be saved!"
Parker "Blanket" Thompson being dangled by Mikey aka Michael "Jackson" Schrupp.
I LOVE the new pictures of the boys on the page! They are so CUTE! Hope to meet them soon :)
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