Parker in his going home outfit, just hanging out in the crib waiting for discharge. Such a cool dude!

In the car, making our way out of the hospital garage (8pm - yes, it was a LONG discharge to say the least).
The Life and Times of Tyler and Parker
Tears of pure joy to see one little one home where he belongs! One down one to go. Come on Tyler you can do it!
Love "Auntie" Nat
Congrats!!! I am SO happy you guys made it home today...Hope you guys get a little sleep-I will miss Parker!
Nurse Allison :)
oh my goodness i saw you posted a blog tonight & was soo excited!! i didnt think you were going to, but i (& im sure many others) are so greatful that you did! john must have picked out his adorable outfit, huh? :) I'm sure you've had this planned out for months!! i understand the discharge taking allllll day, it did for us too. Atleast parker is home.. woo hoo! one down, one to go! :)
Hooray! Hooray! Picture perfect. It was all meant to be. Brother will be right behind. Then the real fun begins!
We are so excited for you guys!!!! Tyler will be there soon!
WOW!!! I'm so glad that Parker got to come home & Tyler hopefully soon, that's so GREAT!! What tuff little guys! Wishing you guys the VERY best!!
-Lauren Wright
How wonderful! Now another adventure begins ;-)
jen brandt
I cried with joy when I read this message. So happy that you have your little lovie home with you and I know Tyler will follow soon. Thanks for sharing this long and arduous journey will all of us. We feel like family. God bless you!
Congratulations on bringing one home! Hope your first night went well - and you got some rest :) Tyler will be home before you know it! Love you all!
I am so happy for you all! I will continue to keep you all in my prayers - especially praying that Tyler comes home soon.
Love, Connie Huyck
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