Today was a QUITE the day! Parker was taken off the high flow cannula and put on low flow, 100% oxygen, needing only 1/8 liter. This is what babies go home on - 1/4 or 1/8 liter oxygen. What a thrill! As you can see in this poorly lit picture I took, Parker's feeding tube is in his nose. This is because he's starting to nipple feed! I tried breastfeeding today and had a little bit of success. Tomorrow he will be evaluated and probably started on a low flow bottle. The docs are also talking more seriously about his hernia surgery! They said he'd probably have surgery 5-7 days prior to going home...could this be a turning point? The thought of having him come home is just beyond belief!
Tyler...hum, same place, same cannula flow. We're hoping he'll take a hint from brother and get a move on! GOOD DAY TODAY!

Aunt Deannie came for a visit!

Here's Auntie Teresa with Tyler. Now how did Tyler end up getting his pic taken with BOTH aunties? Sly guy...ha ha!
Exciting developments! I still have one nostril bigger than the other from a tube that was in my nose when I was a wee one. I'm sure everyone at work really needed to read that about me, but that's okay! ;-) Mom also says that the boys are now both bigger and older than I was when I came home from the hospital. So hopefully it's not too much longer for our little heroes. Much love and continued good wishes!
It is a thrill to see the boys develop and Tyler will be on his way soon, I am sure. They will be home soon and what a joy that will be. New adventures on the horizon for the Thompson family!
Hang in there Mom and Dad...there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Continued best wishes and prayers for all...Denise & Glen Thomson
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