See our CPAP-FREE little boys?
See mommy and daddy's happy faces? (well, didn't get a picture of that, but I think you can invision this sight)

Yes, it happened! Arriving today to see BOTH boys off the pesky CPAP device was divine indeed!
Here's Parky enjoying his first time on the cannula. It's so nice to finally see his entire face and head! There's our little guy!

Experiencing the "calm" of the boys was thrilling. They seemed so comfortable and suddenly so much like newborn babies.

We are hoping they can stay on the cannula and not return to CPAP. Their first blood gas test was positive, showing acceptable levels of CO2 so far!
Keep it up boys...it's a good thing, really!
Here's Tyler remembering that he was once on the cannula. "Hey, I think I like this!"
Yeah! Keep growing.....
Such a wonderful development for sure!!! Home can't be far away....So proud of your little munchkins, getting stronger and more independent each and every day. Excellent work parents and to all the the support team of the nurses and doctors!
Yaaaaaaaay! :) Congratulations to all!
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