Welcome to Tyler and Parker Thompson's Blog

Tyler and Parker Thompson arrived on June 23, 2008 at only 26 weeks and 4 days old, weighing 1 pound 6 ounces (Parker) and 1 pound 10 ounces (Tyler). Parker spent 129 days (home 10/30/08) in the NICU, while brother Tyler spent 143 (home 11/13/08). We are thrilled to have our family complete with both boys home!

This blog was created by John (the daddy) to inform family and friends (and now new acquaintances) of the twins progression. Below is the blog archive dating back to the week Heather (the mommy) was admitted to the hospital. We try to post weekly updates, but on occasion the week gets the best of us.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daddy and Ty

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I arrived at work Friday when one of the ladies in the office said to me "Hey! Our babies aren't doing so well today!" Then we proceeded to discuss our heros. She and my fellow workers only know of your family by my sharing your blog. And then she has shared your blog and so on and so forth and the community of love continues to expand. I cannot imagine how far reaching this is now- just from me alone there has to be 20 - 30 folks following along. So with all of your family, friends, co-workers...and their family, friends and co-workers...well John...you are the Math Master.....that's love to what power?
All of us praying and holding positive thoughts for Parker, Tyler and his amazing parents, love rules the world.
Thank you for all your sharing.
