The celebration never ends, if you're a
Bubbie! The boys have been celebrating their second birthdays non-stop with a visit from Grandpa
Schrupp and a visit from their Grandma Thompson, Uncle Bob and Auntie Kristin. Below are some highlights on the continued birthday extravaganzas!
A quick update on Bubbie health: Tyler's stomach x-ray showed blockage in his small intestine so we put him on a two-day regimen of magnesium citrate to clean out his system. After two days of massive diapers, Tyler's daily throw ups improved drastically. He also started a new steroid,
Entocort, a couple of weeks ago so we're not sure if it's the resolved blockage, the new drug, or combination of the two. Either way, Tyler is improving (we think). Of course that doesn't mean he'll miraculously begin eating any time soon. Tyler's oral aversion is thickly ingrained into his being - this is a
looooong journey folks!
Parker continues to eat on his own but not without bribes, patience and continued use of his appetite stimulant. Right now we are only
gavaging water and medications into him during the day and hand
gavaging one bolus of formula before he goes to bed at night (if he didn't meet his calorie minimum). We've come so far with him, I really can't complain about our tactics!
Coming soon are pictures of
Bubbie water fun and Marine World trip! Until then, enjoy some more 2
nd Bubbie birthday snaps!

Wow...look at the HUGE balloon from Grandma Thompson!

The boys can't get enough of this balloon - in fact, Parker tried to take it outside yesterday! Thankfully I caught it just before it traveled off to another two-year old in the next county!

Tyler got a of his all time favorite things!

We know what Parker likes...books!

Here's Auntie Kristin showing the boys their new tiger bubble blower! Quite the Cinderella moment...I should hand her a bucket and dish rag to clean my floors!

Little chocolate decedance cakes were enjoyed by the Bubbies (hum...well, maybe mommy and daddy)! Ha ha!

Okay Parker, if I HAVE to take a bite I will! Tough job...licking chocolate and cool whip out of the baby's hands!

Grandpa Schrupp attempting to read to BOTH Bubbies - good try grandpa!

Daddy and Tyler check out new Dr. Suess board books - fun fun!

Parker is intrigued with new books. Go Dog Go! is already a favorite book - a dog party in a tree? Can it get any better than that?
1 comment:
It's good to be TWO!!! Love those faces. Grandpa looks pretty comfortable with the boys and the books.
Let's hope that the new meds ARE the secret handshake to solve Tyler's eating dilema. Perhaps two IS the magic milestone we hoped.
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