Saturday started with a big bang when we took the boys for their first haircuts! It was a painful but needed task. Both heads needed a good "all over" trim so to be safe, we left that task to the experts. We went to this salon designed for and set up for children - "Jack and Jillybeans". It was clean, cute and truly delightful! The boys were actually VERY good - we were surprised at how well they sat in their cars and allowed themselves to be distracted by toy cell phones and videos! Ha ha! That's all it takes!
Here are some pics and a little video!

Tyler looking thrilled to be in the car!

Parker with hair in his eyes for the LAST time (at least until it grows out again)!

Parker sits in Police car while brother sits in the next vehicle over, a fire truck!

Tyler's first cut - not bad...

...until she pulls out a shaver to clean up his neck and around his ears!

Final Tyler results - can you even see a difference? Not much - his hair tends to naturally grow like a little boy haircut.

Parker was fine as long as he could push buttons on his nifty cell phone.

Parker looking at himself...what does he think?

Final Parker results! A little shorter then I wanted, but plenty of room to grow! We can actually see his beautiful eyes now!
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