Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Balancing Act
I'm not quite sure where it started, but at some "desperate" time at home with the boys, I decided to introduce them to object balancing. I must have been having one of those long, "what time is it...no, it can't be" days when I started putting toys on top of my head. The reaction was amazing - the boys thought mommy was the BEST. Their eyes twinkled with excitement as their mommy threw toys and other household objects on her head. After a number of items were displayed, I realized the boys LOVED it most when the balanced items fell from my head, down to the ground. So that became the fun new game - mommy puts stuff on her head, they fall off, boys laugh - perfect time killer! So after a number of laughs and toys later, Tyler grabbed the bowl that had just fallen off my head and reached up to put it on his own head. What a smart boy! I (OF COURSE) encouraged this action and months later, he and Parker are now expert balancers. And because I think it's hilarious, I've captured a number of moments on film. Here are a just a few things the boys can balance on their heads. Enjoy the silliness!
Tyler is very serious about his koosh!

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Now that's fun stuff!!
Summer jobs in the circus?
LOVE the one with Tyler and the koosh! The expression on his face cracks me up!
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