Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas 2009 with Bubbies!

I posted three videos: the first is of the Bubbies looking at everything for the first time; second is of Parker riding his new horsey; and third is of Tyler NOT riding his new horsey - it's too funny! I have more video snipetts, but I'll post them later. I hope everyone had a happy holiday so far - I know the Thompsons did. Enjoy!

Wakey wakey - what's that in our living room? Santa came!
Hum...I wonder if Tyler is ready to ride yet? Obviously not!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tyler and Parker Meet Santa!
Here are a few pictures of a fabulous holiday evening. Enjoy!

Dinner Time!
After Dinner Fun!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
GI & Developmental Therapy
Yesterday was an early morning GI appointment. We were VERY much looking forward to it because we hadn't seen the doctor since Tyler's endoscopy. Since then, Tyler completed his 2-week regimen on antibiotics, then we were told to DC the Carafate (coats the stomach and upper intestine) and see "what happens". Sure enough, after only a few days, Tyler started having symptoms again: crying out at night, throwing up at every feed, tugging at his Mic-key button. We called the GI and told the friendly nurse that his symptoms returned. They started the Carafate back up, but not the antibiotics.
The GI visit was actually one of the better appointments - we actually SAW the doctor, big plus, and got immediate relief for Tyler. When she gave Tyler his check up, she noticed that his button site was pink and irritated. We mentioned how much it'd been hurting him, but we attributed it to the ulcers. She said that it could be the Mic-key and recommended that we switch him to a Mini One, a silicone based product that is bendable and she thinks, more comfortable. So we tried it - the doctor switched out his Mic-key for a Mini One and "wah lahhhh" - he's healed! No more tugging, crying, complaining when we hook him up...nothing. We couldn't believe it!
Both boys were gaining adequate weight and the doctor seemed very pleased with their growth. Tyler now weighs 24lbs and Parker weighs 23lbs, 10oz. We talked about the new feeding specialist and our plan to get the boys eating, but no changes were made to their gavage totals. Hopefully our feeding specialist will get ahold of their nutritionist so they can collaborate on the feeding plan for both boys. The GI told us that she'd like us to push the boys on eating - she's fully supportive of challenging them because she thinks we're still in a good "window" for their eating.
So for now we are holding strong with Tyler's meds and their formula intake. We did take home some of the next level formula, Neocate Jr. We will probably make a switch next week after the Bubbies terrible colds are better. Not all babies adjust to the Neocate Jr. well, so we need to make the change when the boys are "clean" and healthy! And to boot, BOTH boys are cutting teeth like no one's business! Parker is grinding out his molars - he almost has ALL of his teeth through, amazing. Tyler is working on some teeth as well, so besides daily throw ups, we get the major drool factor again! Fun times guys...thanks!
Video Below: Every week our favorite Developmental Therapist, Danielle comes over to "play". The boys LOVE their time with Danielle and fight over who gets "play" with her first. Last week she brought a climbing mat - we are working on Parker's upper body strength and Tyler's...hum...looking at the video below, maybe patience? Ha ha!
Danielle and I thought Tyler would be ALL over the climbing mat - he loves to climb, run, yell...wouldn't you think he'd love being on the mat? Well, Parker ended up LOVING it! He went up and down, up the stairs, down the slide, down the stairs, up the slide...he was in heaven. It was just so cute seeing how much fun Parker was having. I caught a little video of the action - I would've caught more of Tyler but he didn't spend too much time on the mat. Interesting...
Okay lazy Tyler, can you actually go ALL the way up and ALL the way down next time? No short cuts mister!
Could Parker have more fun? I just love these moments!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Morning Crazies!
This scene below shows well rested, non-clothed, happy happy boys! I think I'm eating my morning oatmeal while taping so periodically you can hear my bowl and spoon "clank". Gotta multi-task! I'm sure shortly after eating my oatmeal, I folded laundry and picked ALL of the toys up from the floor - cough cough! ;o)
Tyler's laughter is contagious, isn't it?